Welcome to St. Michael’s Music Page

Choir Information

The choir sings at regular weekly services on Sunday mornings at 10:00am Eucharist service and Evensong at 6:30pm, also at other festival services throughout the church year.

Join us for Choir Practice on Wednesday evenings in Church at 7:00 - 8:00pm

Every Sunday the choir of St Michael & All Angels' Church maintain a high standard of musical excellence in the offering of worship to God, by singing a wide range of choral church music.

The church is a member and supporter of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) and has hosted and been to various local events arranged by RSCM.

We also very much appreciate our community outreach into Headingley and beyond. We have sung in some very awe-inspiring buildings and places of worship. As part of our outreach into the Headingley community, the Choir takes part in many community events during the year. We can also be heard carol singing at various venues, Headingley Farmers Market, St. James’ Hospital, and switching on of the Headingley Christmas Lights during the run up to Christmas.

The choir sings twice each Sunday from 10:00-11:15am for the Parish Eucharist and 6:30-7:30 pm for Evensong. The choir also sings on major feast days, festivals, choral Compline and Headingley Team services throughout the church year.

The choir meets every Wednesday evening in the Church from 7:00-8:00 pm for choir practice. We are always willing to see and accept new singers into the choir. If you feel you would like to join, please contact any of us or come along on a Wednesday evening, we will be pleased to see you, young or not so young. Contact the Choirmaster

Our Choir

This tradition is important to us. Our church musicians work very hard in order to uphold a choral tradition and develop it. It is our objective to maintain our established heritage and preserve it for those who will follow.

Our Music

The Organ

We hope that this is going to be the start of something new! We wish to invite singers from choirs who’s churches no longer have sung regular Evensong services to join an augmented choir Choral Evensong at St. Michael’s. We will hold augmented service every Quarter. The next service will be to celebrate our Patronal Festival on 29th September.

If you are interested in joining us to sing on Sunday evenings, please do contact us

Lutheran Choral Vespers Choir and Clergy to Celebrate Reformation Sunday

We had a magnificent service of Lutheran Choral Vespers on Sunday evening with St. Luke's and St Matthew’s Lutheran Church Leeds/Bradford to mark Reformation Sunday. We were joined by Walter Jagucki, a former Bishop of the The Lutheran Church in Great Britain and received greetings from the current Bishop, Paulina Hławiczka-Trotman. The choir was on great form and the service beautifully led by Pastor Joseph. We hope ecumenical work and friendship between our two churches will continue for many years to come.